Industry Giants Lead the Way in Sustainable Waste Management with Power Knot Technology

Reliable Waste Management in Remote Locations PowerKnot LLC, a leader in sustainable waste management solutions, has received additional orders for food waste digester consumables and spare parts from a major energy company operating in Papua New Guinea. This continued partnership, spanning nearly a decade, underscores the durability and effectiveness of PowerKnot’s waste management solutions in challenging environments. The PNG LNG Project, which commercializes Papua New Guinea’s gas resources, faced significant hurdles in managing waste generated by campsites in remote mountainous regions. Transporting waste off-site proved to be labor-intensive, expensive, and environmentally unfriendly. In 2015, these challenges were addressed by installing four LFC-300 biodigesters from Power Knot, which have been operating continuously since their deployment. Iain Milnes, President of Power Knot, emphasized that the LFC biodigester, designed and assembled in Silicon Valley, is built to operate reliably for 15 to 25 years. The continued use of these machines serves as a testament to the longevity and efficacy of Power Knot’s products. Enesel Sets Sail with Sustainable Waste Management Solutions In a parallel development, Power Knot Ocean announced that Enesel, a leading global shipping company, has deployed multiple LFC biodigesters across its fleet. This strategic decision underscores Enesel’s dedication to sustainable practices […]

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